7 Common Misconceptions About App Gamification


The rise of app gamification across industries has encouraged even more businesses to consider adopting the strategy for themselves. Unfortunately, many have become skeptical of it due to a lack of understanding or misinformation. Below are some of the common misconceptions about app gamification and the facts behind them.

7 Common Misconceptions About App Gamification

1. Gamification and games are the same

While the two concepts sound similar, they are very different. Games are a form of play that serve to entertain those who engage in it.

Meanwhile, gamification is a strategy that uses game elements and design techniques in non-game contexts, as well as the deployment of games within apps and marketing spaces. This strategy aims to better motivate and engage users, drive brand awareness, and even encourage preferred actions.

2. Badges and points are all you need for gamification

Game elements like badges and points are often present in gamified systems. Points serve to quantify a user’s progress through given tasks or challenges, while badges serve as a visual reminder of the user’s accomplishments and successes.

However, these elements alone are not enough to effectively gamify a system. Gamification works best when it is designed to solve specific business needs. Points, badges, and other game elements are only necessary if they are able to support these solutions.

3. Gamification will yield instant results

While app gamification has seen rapid adoption in all types of businesses, it is a common misconception that it will succeed immediately

The fact is that, like most other business strategies, gamification will take time to work. Depending on how app gamification is deployed, the system may need some fine-tuning and experimentation to maximize its effectiveness.

4. Gamification is all about competition

Linking game elements in non-game contexts can often lead people to believe that gamification’s success hinges on encouraging users to compete against each other as much as possible. This follows the logic that people enjoy competition, further motivating them to engage and take action.

However, competition is only one aspect of gamification. Not all users are driven by contests or leaderboards alone–they need other elements to further motivate them into engaging with your app.

5. Gamification is just a trend

App gamification is seeing a surge in popularity as technology continues to improve and address the changing business and consumer needs. Because of this, there is a misplaced belief that gamification is a passing fad.

In reality, the core principles behind gamification–such as rewards, motivation, and collaboration–are present in all kinds of business strategies. Gamification is the culmination of these principles and is delivered through some of the latest technologies. Given this, it is clear that gamification is dynamic enough to remain in practice for the foreseeable future.

6. Any problem can be solved with gamification

Another common misconception of app gamification is that it is the ultimate solution to every kind of problem for businesses and their apps.

Gamification is one of many strategies that businesses use to reach their KPIs. Getting a better understanding of your business pain points will determine if gamification is a viable solution. With the right planning and approach, gamification can address issues like engagement, user growth, sales, and even productivity.

7. Gamification is a one-size-fits-all solution

It’s not uncommon for some businesses to go with the flow and adopt gamification in similar ways as their competitors. Unfortunately, this type of approach can end up with less-than-stellar results.

Gamification systems need to be tailored for the specific issues they are trying to address. Factors such as user demographics, business objectives, and desired outcomes need to be taken into account for effective solutions.

Get the Facts on Gamification

In this digital age, innovations are driving some of the most popular businesses strategies–including gamification. However, there still exist misconceptions about the strategy, how it works, and how effective it is for the companies that adopt it.

Don’t let the gamification myths get the better of you. Research can go a long way in correcting any misinformation, and may even help you decide if app gamification is right for your business needs. When in doubt, you can always consult with professionals to learn more about how gamification can work for you.

Need help gamifying your app? Get in touch with us today for more information.

*header photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels.